In the light of the #MeToo movement and with so many sexual harassment allegations, has your perception of men changed/stayed the same and why?

(I'm a man) I've never seen a girl sexually harassed in front of me. I've heard girls talk about it (more online than real-world). I've seen more discrimination against girls in the workplace than anything (getting talked down to, not getting promotions, etc..). On the flip side when I'm at a low bodyfat % and in good shape (I go between 10-18% bodyfat a lot 6' 180 - 200lbs for reference) I get a lot of ladies touching my arms and back in casual conversation, but to me its more of a confidence boost, I could see a girl freaking out if a creepy dude touched them like that or worse.

When other men are around, do the perps still behave like that? I feel like I might just be a big enough guy that the creeps out there don't want the risk of getting caught by me or I'm straight up oblivious to it.

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