Little happy moments

Seriously. I'm very introverted and use to have absolutely horrible social anxiety after having a panic attack back in fifth grade, but with the help of some ganja, at the time some anxiety pills, and just realizing living the way I was sucks, I got over it.

And by over it I don't mean I found my cure for anxiety. It's just much better than it was and go it to a point where I can kind of force myself to go out when I feel lonely. Luckily anxiety and being introverted doesn't mean you're necessarily shy so once you go out and realize, "hey, this isn't so bad", you open up and start wishing you had done this sooner.

Take little steps too to build your confidence. Maybe you're like me and going to the grocery store, mall, or gym even freaks/stresses you out but at the same time they're smaller obstacles so you go anyway. Maybe normally you buy your food and just walk out with your head down and/or no eye contact.. Next time as you're leaving just force yourself to say, "Have a good day!" and I promise you that, while it's small, that one accomplishment will make you feel so much better about yourself just because you slightly went out of your comfort zone.

If you're not introverted (I'm rarely a fan of small talk, just seems pointless if I don't know you) or maybe just in a talkative mood, try sparking up small talk too if possible.

Another good thing is take up something that's a bit more social but kind of something you can make your own. I started training Brazilian Jiu jitsu and my first day was terrifying. You soon realize though that no one cares or notices that you're shy or quiet, you focus on the task at hand. You're doing something fun with a group of people passionate about what you're passionate about and you just get lost in that. Your troubles of the day, be it bills, tuition, school, job or relationships.. It requires 100% of your energy at that moment and everything else disappears. Soon, maybe after a couple weeks or a few months, you'll just feel more confident about things in general. You'll still be quiet, or shy, or scared, but not as bad.

You'll start making eye contact more. You'll have more little accomplishments by going to places by yourself and engaging in small forms of verbal communication even of it's just saying hi and bye.

TL;Dr - There are things you can do to help yourself get "out there more". However no one can fix you for you, you have to take responsibility a d initiative.

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