Loki Rework(Open to suggestions)

Loki Rework All overtimes are 2 seconds with .5 second tics Passive:Loki Gains +10% Physical Power and +10% Health for each illusion on the map Ability 1: Loki creates a dark reflection of all nearby enemy heroes. Affected heroes are slowed and attacked by their reflection. Radius:50 Mana Cost:50/55/60/65 Move Speed Slow:25% Attack Speed Slow:25% Illusion Damage Dealt(Of targets damage):40%/60%/80%/100% Duration:2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5 Cooldown:18/15/12/9 Ability 2: Loki creates an illusion of himself that taunt minions and objectives.Ability can be reactivated to explode illusions,dealing fire damage. Number of Illusions:1 Illusion Damage Dealt:55%/60%/65%/70% Illusion Health:60%/70%/80%/90% Explosion Damage:50/90/130/170(+20% of current illusion health) Fire Damage per tic:40/50/60/70(+30% of your physical power) Mana Cost:70/75/80/85 Cooldown:16 Explosion+Taunt Radius=30 The ability would have a targeter like sun wukong's 3 with the farthest sending it out to attack enemies and objectives,the middle not applying a taunt and causing it to stay stationary and invisible,acting as a ward and the closest having a taunt radius of 10 and causing it to follow all of your actions

Ability 3: Loki creates an illusion that makes him and allies(minions,gods,illusions)invisible and untargetable inside of it's radius.It also increases movement speed and buffs loki's attacks to enemies inside of it's radius. Radius:25 Speed Buff:25% Additional Damage:30/40/60/80/100/(+20% of physical power) Fire Damage per tic:20/30/40/50/60/70(+20% of physical power) Duration:30/40/50/60/65 Cooldown:90 When enemies enter the illusion they look like one of you teammates to their allies Mana Cost:55/65/75/85/90 Ability 4 Loki creates multiple decoys and teleports them behind of each enemy on the map,dealing damage. Radius:55 Cost:700 Cooldown:135 Damage Per God:400/500/600/700/800(+120%of illusion physical power)

/r/Smite Thread