So long free education next stop is healthcare

I attended a cource at King Abdulaziz University a couple of years ago. One of the speaker was from the USA and works in healthcare management.

He literally said, "please stop copying the US healthcare system. It is a failed system. Canada or even the UK is the way to go".

It is funny because ever since I can remember, everytime we criticize something in the country they said " well, you have free universities and healthcare". Well, what are you going to say now with the ongoing privatization and taxes?

So sad and fucked up. I can not understand any citizen who supports this!

What will happen when you or a loved one get a serious disease and the private health insurance only cover a small percentage of the cost.

What will happen when a smart kid wants higher education but can not offered it unless they get themselves or family in debt. Without even the hope of getting a job in this economy.

I understand that we can not do something about it here, but I hope people stop defending these cruel decisions.

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