Looking for helpful diet / meal planning ideas

Do you guys like Asian food? I started cooking a lot of Japanese and Korean food when I went vegetarian and the dishes make awesome and healthy leftovers for lunches or freezable dinners. It's great for making cute and fun lil bento boxes with, too. :D

My favourite Korean Recipes on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Maangchi https://www.youtube.com/user/SeonkyoungLongest

And Japanese: https://www.youtube.com/user/JapaneseCooking101 https://www.youtube.com/user/cookingwithdog

I'm not a breakfast person and usually just have a coffee so I'm no good with meal prepping breaky, but my go-to for meal prepped meals or freezer meals are fried rice, pasta or noodle dishes, veggie chili, tteokbokki, eggplant lasagna, veggie curries and burritos or quesadillas.

I usually make a huge 6-8 serving size batch of one of the above meals and then freeze them in single portions. I find it easiest to just spend one day a week (like a sat or sun or a week night that isn't too busy) and just cook like 2 or 3 different meals and freeze them all. I find things like fried rice and curries freeze the best, sometimes pasta gets a little dry when you freeze and reheat so I'll usually just make a small batch of pasta and keep it in the fridge for a few days instead.

It's so easy to just then take a container out for lunch or dinner during the week and if I spend one day a week just cooking it all then I usually have enough stuff to last me a 2-3 weeks or more, especially if I cook or buy lunch/dinner randomly throughout the week too.

/r/vegetarian Thread