LPT: Always be nice and patient with customer service people. We have a lot of tools to help you, but we will conveniently forget them if you are rude.

I've worked in customer service for years and I do not agree. If the customer is having a shitty day and taking it out on me- it doesnt stop me from going the extra mile as I would for every customer regardless. When you go into training for this job you are told that anyone who is very sensitive or easily gets offended probably should not work in customer service and I agree. YES, if a customer is blatantly swearing at you then you warn them that you will end the call or if they refuse to speak to you for whatever reason then you tell me you'll pass them onto a colleague. What I took from your post is that you are being spiteful towards customers if they are not super nice with you and that is not cool.

/r/LifeProTips Thread