LPT Request: How to legally remove a stranger from your family's property against their will?

This is so full of insane interpretations that it almost doesn't warrant a response. I take it you generally aren't a very bright person.

Walking onto your property in NO WAY is forcible entry. Lol.

Walking onto your property IS NOT your occupied residence, business, or vehicle. Lol.


Residence: Personal presence at some place of abode.

Abode (since I doubt you know what that means): One's home; habitation; place of dwelling

That's not your fucking lawn. If you are specifically referring to inside your house, then I'll completely chalk this up as a misunderstanding. But you keep saying "on your property" so I'm assuming you mean your occupied residence AND your surrounding property. There's a huge difference.

Standing on your property isn't unlawful. Your quote already recognized him as an intruder onto your property. He also has to be acting unlawfully.

Jesus Christ. I don't have time for your ignorance and point out every fucking idiotic think you said after I already clearly proved you wrong.

Your interpretation of what you are reading is so incredibly skewed to your predisposed beliefs that nothing I will say can slap you back into reality.

Please. For the love of God, when you hit puberty and get a job and decide to own a gun, PLEASE do the research. PLEASE know the laws.

I have to share this country with you. FML.

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