I’m Bill Nye and I’m on a quest to end anti-scientific thinking. AMA

What does his former engineering expertise

Not former; what are you talking about?

have anything to do with: a) his current public persona

He's a pro-science speaker with a science background.

b) his ability to represent the face of modern science

See above.

in 2017

Yeah, they used to come up with this problem all the time in Einstein's day. /:D

B) is his goal

Yeah, it's achievable, when there isn't brigading by people who feel they deserve to have a louder voice than ethical conversation would permit.

With the failure of his new show


Yeah, about that. His new show is fucking entertaining. And while you've been repeating "it's terrible!", I'm inclined to believe you're pushing a narrative.

Please: talk about his show's failings in specific. Reference episodes, if you could.

People come to the AMA hoping that he would be here to salvage his reputation

You're operating 100% in bad faith.

I don't put it past the possibility of brigading or botnet voting

That is what's happening.

I do agree with the majority of the upvote/down vote I see.

So sorry, to be clear - you don't disagree what I'm suggesting, but you just like the appearance of his being hated?

I came here looking to redeem my childhood hero

You don't need to redeem him. He's good.


Yeah, dude, you're posturing, and saying absolutely nothing, while requiring a lot of words to say nothing.

/r/IAmA Thread Parent