I’m a student who was describing my major to my friend who’d never heard of it, & this was their response. Thought this community would appreciate :’)

Meh. I always find it cringey when other techs complain about not being recognized. The only recognition I need is for adequate compensation for my time and education--THAT'S the important recognition.

This whole "i WanT pEoPLe tO kNoW hOw SuPEr sMaRT i Am" strikes me as being as vain and obnoxious as a teenager who lacks self-awareness doing dumb shit on tiktok.

I know that what I do matters and that the criticals I call are important. That's enough. I help get a patient a good outcome and I get a middle class paycheck. That's fine.

If you want a bunch of eyes on you and some ooh's and ah's then go to med school or twerk on instagram.

Why the fuck do people need to be seen so much? That's what makes us so sick in general right now as a society. It's not the lack of being seen--it's the constant screaming ID and infantile addiction to having eyes on us.

Just do your job and live your life.

/r/medlabprofessionals Thread Link - i.redd.it