Y’all scare me

I am in the exact same boat as you, graduating in a month with a job lined up, taken aback by how many people only act like they hate the field.

There are always going to be negative people no matter where you go, sure there might be more negativity in healthcare where we have to work weekends and holidays but other fields have that too. We aren’t alone and we went into this for a reason. The negativity online got me down quite a bit, but the positivity never is as apparent as negativity. This sub definitely does get to me sometimes, ngl.

I need to remind myself, like everything else, I have to try it for myself to see if it works for me as an individual. Even if it doesn’t, then I learned something along the way. I have an interest in this or I wouldn’t have done it in the first place. Point is, don’t let others bring you down when they can’t make the decisions for you. I learned to be a positive yet realistic influence on those that may go into this in the future.

/r/medlabprofessionals Thread