I’m so tired of getting roasted by my attendings.

I think this is a perspective thing. I'm sorry they're so tough, but maybe this rationalization could help you... They're hard on you, because they always want to push you to keep learning. It isn't a question of whether you've done enough, think of it like they believe in you and think you can do even more.

I knew one nasty attending that was tough with eeeveryone, except one resident, because he thought she was beyond stupid, incompetent and not worth his time. I was going to possibly be his protege, so he got way more intense with me than other students. I think a lot of attendings like to test how much pressure you can handle as well, especially in a high pressure field, or they dish abuse in the way they were abused.

My attending actually asked if he could stab me with a bovie (he was also bipolar not sure if this is related). I always tried to stay cool even though I definitely wasn't. He wound up buying me lunch towards the end, kinda random amazing. Take it in stride you will ~probably be ok lol

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