Making somebody pay the ambulance fees/hospital bills when somebody calls in a 5150 on them (Suicide attempt) in which they have no say in weather or not they’re taken away is the most fucked up, twisted bullshit I can imagine.

Assisted suicide should be more available, therapists should be more available, meds shouldn't be forced or so expensive, and money/ quality of life shouldn't be so god damn difficult to attain

I absolutely agree with all of this, except for the assisted suicide. Assisted suicide should only be an option for terminally I'll people, in my opinion. The number of people who have survived suicide attempts, and now say how glad they are that they survived is just too high. All of those people who have recovered would be dead if legally assisted suicide was an option.

Also, I'm not praising the system at all. If you can find where in my comment I praised it, I will change it because I'm not trying to praise it at all. I'm simply saying that alot of people are angry at the system for the wrong reasons.

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