"Male Privilege"

Not all domestic violence cases are husband and wife. Children, parents, siblings, relatives can all be victims and abusers. A 17 year old boy escaping his abusive mother or father would be turned away from a lot of shelters because of his gender.

But that is true regardless of gender. In these situations (being abused by a parent, for example), they don't have shelters for that. You have to get the cops or CPS involved. I don't even know of any traditional domestic abuse shelters that allow minors to go to a shelter without a parent or gaurdian involved. There are places for runaways but those aren't the same as domestic abuse shelters, which for the sake of this conversation I'm sticking with that.

Shelters are not just for life and death situations, escaping abuse often leaves you with no possessions, no money, and nowhere to go. A shelter is an alternative to being homeless in a lot of cases. That goes for men and women. Just because your life isn't in danger doesn't mean you don't need help.

That is true, and in most cases people fleeing abuse have no money because their abuser has taken it or prevented them from getting a job to earn their own income. That is why I said going to a shelter is a last resort; it's when you have no where to go, no one else to turn to, and the abuse is bad enough that you have to get away, even if that means going to a shitty shelter. Don't really know the point of you bringing this up, tbh.

Saying that straight men can't be victims and don't need help is not only bullshit, it's fucking offensive.

Did you skip over where I said:

Note that I am NOT saying straight men cannot be abused by women; what I am saying is that straight men are rarely abused to the point where they feel like their life is in danger. Since domestic abuse shelters are woefully under funded as it is, they aren't going to put funding into an area that isn't ever going to get used.

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