Mallard Fillmore, C.S. Lewis would not approve of your politics or your efforts.

You've edited your post since my initial comment so I'm going to make another one.

You say that you think having "widely different" opinions on different issues and I wholeheartedly agree. But there's an attitude expressed by OP and by many people on the left in general that I find somewhat contradictory. If I might borrow a phrase generally only used by the left, there's a lot of "tone policing" directed at conservatives and I don't feel that the left is subject to the same criticism.

I hear people on the left welcome differing opinions, only to absolutely pick apart every single word just looking for something offensive so the entire piece can be dismissed. I firmly believe that you shouldn't be deliberately antagonistic when trying to get a point across but it seems like the standard for a non-offensive conservative viewpoint is almost impossibly high.

Personally, I don't really blame the left in general as much as I blame the rise of "outrage culture", which is - unfortunately - by no means only on the left. Goodness knows Fox News has a habit of getting riled up over nonsense while ripping the left for getting offended by shit.

What I take issue with is how the left claims to oppose antagonistic behavior in all forms yet turns a blind eye towards those on the left who are belligerent. I once read a DailyKos article (huge mistake) where the male author absolutely belittled those that own guns for self defense as cowards. He said that "real men" trust a baseball bat to defend their families.

...Now that sounds like a lot of Stone Age bullshit to me, and even as a conservative with a preference for traditional gender roles I wouldnt dare resort to that sort of childish talk. But, because that vitriol was directed at gun owners, I didn't hear anyone on the left get upset by it.

So you know, I really don't listen to people who complain about tone anymore. I've come to the conclusion that just about everyone who complains about "vitriol" is a hypocrite because they've done the same damned thing at some point.

/r/PoliticalDiscussion Thread