As a man, how did you win the genetic lottery? How did you lose it?

Wins: tall, good facial structure from both sides, dense but individually thin hair with really good patterning of highlights and shadows for a blond (so I'm told), good looking and 'satisfying' dick (again, so I'm told. I'm just happy for the compliments), currently great teeth. Also my dad survived 2 strokes, hypertension, pre-diabetes, stage 4 renal failure, and congestive heart failure, so I have that going for me. If he's anything to look out for though, I'll have a vulnerability to heart attacks while asleep (he's making 'em laugh in heaven now).

Losses: eyesight (bio-grandad was legally blind at 18 without glasses), I'm stuffy basically all the time, INGROWN FUCKING TOENAILS (since removed) my mother had wide nails, and my dad had fleshy toes (not sure if that's a good way to describe it) and I got both, previously actively bad teeth (requiring orthodontic equipment, but now it's fine)

Not to mention the nurture aspect of it; dad's natural charisma but his propensity for hiding emotion, along with (paradoxically) mom's intense empathy (with people, babies, dogs, etc) and her tendency to cry at the drop of a hat. I also inherited both of their laziness, so actually getting something done is hard for me. Also, both were party animals, and I'm far from it, but I've never actually been hung over, despite being blackout drunk several times.

/r/AskMen Thread