Man kills himself at M Resort in Las Vegas after being stripped of his "free buffet for life" privileges and kicked out for harassing employees

"These kinds of things?" You mean mental illnesses? Yes, there are things we can do, and no, not everyone has the mental capacity, upbringing, or natural ability to be responsible for themselves.

You're welcome to give up on "these kinds of things," because they're ugly or don't feel human, or bothersome to think about, or might cost too much to deal with. But "these kinds of things" don't just happen for no reason.

If you ask why five times, you'll discover something out of this man's control for which there is a possible solution, which was missed or glossed over or ignored because it was convenient to do so. But that's the truth.

The unequivocal truth is that we are all—by a very large proportion—the result of countless external influences which brought us up, cared for us, created our genetic fate, and taught us the very ability to be responsible for ourselves. Ignore it if you want, but you will simply be lying to yourself and believing in a fairy tale of your own self determination and individual control. It is a myth we have to tell ourselves to go on living in this world.

Most importantly, by knowing the truth of our systemic existence, we can actually help more people in far better ways—ways that matter because they're based in fact, instead of the useless and ignorant religion of self-reliance and individual responsibility.

This man could have been helped better than he was, and while it may not be society's fault at face value, imagine the society in which the solutions for these diseases as well known and implemented. Is that not a better society?

Now, what society do you want to live in when your fragile and imperfect mind bends a little too far?

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