McCain: Nunes 'killed' bipartisan Russia investigation

You're judging democrats based on what you perceive to be their intentions, rather than their actions. The fact remains that however passionate they are in believing in Trump's association with Russia, they are simply calling for a fair and independent investigation. Honest question because I am genuinely interested in understanding your position: are you as outraged at Trump making multiple unsubstantiated claims re wiretapping, voter fraud, etc., given that this would indicate he had drawn a conclusion without considering evidence?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Here's an example, Trump calls lots of things fake news, when actual fake news is displayed it probably only helps Trump more.

When Dems are mad about the AHCA and what not, and then they come and say, oh, Trump has ties with Russia because the media said it, the Republicans will just use that against them and then you may forget about the chance of any genuine investigation happening. Non-zero but not much bigger than zero, haha.

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