Me 19F] with my manager [26 F] of three weeks, My register only comes short when I work a shift with her

I had this happen to me when I was very young, at my first real summer job when I was barely 18. Alot of money went through the till, more than 10k a day wasnt unusual, and it was always fine, except when my manager, who was below the person that hired me had to cover for me during lunch because it was so busy that they needed the till to stay open.

Anyway, that evening almost 1 k was missing. - And the next day I was called into the office of the person who hired me, and made to stand there and listen to them basically accuse me of stealing.

I flipped out. This was a summer job, so there was no reason for me to just take that bullcrap. I pretty much let her have it, Insisted she call in the other manager, who I then gave the same, almost verbatim rundown that the boss had just given to me, with the sarcastic flip you can only do when youre 18 and fearless where I suggested SHE had not stolen the money, but was just bad at running the register, unlike me, who neither stole nor made errors. - Then I told my boss to fire me, or let me get back to work, and to not try to hold me solely responsible for a till I had not been allowed the full run off in the future. - AND as I left I asked if this hadnt happened before with the other girls tills, in the same scenarios I would eat my hat. - The look on both their faces was gold. I cackled leaving the room.

I was not fired. But I was not well liked either. I left 2 weeks later because who wants to work in a place that dislikes you for not taking their crap.

/r/relationships Thread