Me [21 M] with my [21 M/F] of 2 months, cheated on me when blackout drunk, called me immediately

Not to shit all over your parade, honestly, but you've only known this person for two whole months. If you've fallen for her like nobody else, then awesome! But that sort of love is extremely shallow in the sense that you genuinely do not know much about her at all. And you're doing the right thing by asking the difficult questions to figure things about when it comes to the two of you. So while it might -feel- awesome to be around her to begin with, you will also need something a bit more substantial to foster anything meaningful. You're working towards that by questioning her promiscuity.

Blackout drunkenness is a medical issue. Not everyone who is drunk will blackout, and if they do blackout, there is not a weakness in character in doing so. There is nothing Promiscuous about blackout drunkenness. This is why it is difficult for you, a person who does not blackout, to understand that your girlfriend had no choice once her intoxication reached a certain limit. It might be extremely difficult and painful to consider but once you understand that blackout drunkenness is a medical issue, you may come to understand why people equate what occurred as an act of rape.

I really, really want to stop and encourage you to do better than reaching out on reddit for help on this one. For God's sake man, you need to avoid fedora wearing neckbeards who create trainwrecks like the one yesterday.

Sometimes the family and friends of someone going through unwanted sexual experiences can also feel the impact of the crime, and live through emotional and physical reactions. This is called secondary victimization. Hearing about relationship abuse, sexual assault, and stalking can be upsetting. You may feel angry, sad, frustrated, and helpless. If you have experienced crime or other traumatic events in the past, your friend’s experience might bring up memories and feelings of that time. You may want to talk about your feelings but also respect your friend’s privacy. You too can contact your college support services and speak to an advocate confidentially.

/r/relationships Thread