Is meditation the art of turning off the left brain?

I think what you're touching on is that her stroke gave her a very altered experience, and meditation can give us altered experiences, so it can seem like there may be a correlation between strokes and meditation.

Similarly, peoples' near-death-experiences, where their brain was drastically deprived of oxygen and glucose, report what seem like spiritual experiences, hallucinogen-style visions, and so on. But nobody is worried that all spiritual experiences are equivalent to oxygen and sugar deprivation. For example, in hallucinatory schizophrenia, they're not walking around with shuffing-off-brains every time they have paranormal hallucinations or spiritual visions, even though similar visions happen when someone is near death and their brain is almost shut off. A hallucinatory schizophrenic episode alters the brain, it doesn't bring it to extreme deprivation like near death/strokes.

We may get an abnormal experience through one way, but just because that experience seems vaguely like the another abnormal experience others have had through other ways, doesn't actually mean that the brain is undergoing the exact same thing both ways —like LSD, concussions, strokes, meditation, shrooms, dreams— it's just stuff that can alter the brain, making weird/abnormal stuff pop up. That doesn't make the stuff or the neural event identical.

In other words, really changing the brain can apparently change one's momentary experience; so changing a brain a lot can yield a big difference — through a stroke, near-death-experience, DMT, malnourishment, a meditation session, concussions, LSD, et cetera. But we can't speak in such broad terms and make any precise correlations — since the brain is vastly complex, making the 'left right brain' distinction not-helpful in most discussions. There are billions of little circuits that do different things, and even speaking in terms of 'regions' is not as helpful as thinking in terms of circuitry (like a 'visual pleasure' circuit that runs across multiple regions).

/r/Meditation Thread