Meek Mill avoids felony charges

you're literally doing the exact same thing you're hating on them for.

That's what I was responding to, the fact that you really think that this person saying "fuck cops" is the same thing as cops abusing power. Or that people being legitimately angry is the same as cops abusing their power. I didn't make claim to any ideology in my comment.

Just in my city last year cops were terrorized and killed, it was national news, and the guy that did it was most likely surrounded by people encouraging him. Or at least not condeming the idea, similar to what you're doing.

PLEASE read my comment again. You are stating here that I am somehow not condemning the idea of killing cops, which is despicable. That is not what I said. People I know and love risk their lives as cops every day. But talking shit about the cops isn't the same as the abuse of legitimate authority. This is not an ideology it's literally just the statement of a fact that you don't seem to be absorbing. Stating the facts of the situation, and the relevance of positions of power and authority, are incredibly important when discussion how communities are policed, which is also important to the safety of officers. Corruption strains relations in ways that put good officers at risk, too. Once the facts are established, ideologies can be formed.

You're saying that I'm ignoring the facts of a situation because I'm acknowledging that the abuse of the power given to police officers to arrest, detain, and even kill isn't the equivalent to talking shit online. It sounds like you need to actually develop more respect for police officers and their job, if you really believe that.

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