[Mega Thread] All discussion regarding the Philandro Castile shooting goes here. Other posts will be deleted.

For some reason, /u/comissar0617 was upvoted and /u/RamblingWrecker was downvoted, which is alarming and irritating because /u/RamblingWrecker is demonstrably correct. There is no legal requirement to hand over a CCW permit unless specifically asked to do so. In my state, this is even more concerning because it is a constitutional carry state where no permit is required to conceal anyway.


A question I have as someone who sometimes carries is whether or not - I live in a "no duty to inform" state - it is a good thing to volunteer the information that I have a gun, or whether that escalates things. In the past I have done so and the stop went smoothly and the police officer did not seem alarmed or overly concerned (I look local and middle class and drive a Subaru.)

But another question here is whether or not, as to gun laws, it just makes sense to either require informing, or else, to make that the first question: do you have any weapons (yes/no) and require an honest answer, and then be instructed how to proceed. Frankly, I'd like the exact protocol for how to deal with this agreed upon and taught in both police training and concealed carry classes. I'd like these to be synced up.

For my own part:

I never, ever, carry my wallet on my right side where my pistol is, ever. Wallet always on left and right hand always visible, on steering wheel if possible.

When I am going to get my wallet I explain where the wallet is, and where the pistol is, and express verbally that I am about to move in order to get at the wallet.

Then I move slowly.

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