Men, are you really drawn to women who seem "mysterious?"

hmm, so you want the girl to be the source of your inspiration. Why not both ways, what are you bringing to the table?

I like to think I lead an interesting life, have a cool career in a disrupting industry, have a lot of interests which range from career various personal hobbies to also working out alot, cooking well and fashion. I try to be well rounded. But after a week of 9 hours at work, yoga every night, maybe some profesisonal networking events, working on my hobbies and taking care of my body in other ways besides working out to stay attractive, usual adult chores, I like to be "chill" on the weekends.

I do interesting things from time to time, but because I actually have my own life, and don't just wait around for men to take my on dates and pay my way through life because im some spontaneous exploding basket of roses with no substance, it means I get tired after work too.

I like to hang out at the wine bar around from where I live for an hour or two on the weekends before meeting up with my other friends, of which I have a healthy dose of both genders. During those times, it's a nice way to relax, slowly sip on a glass of wine and decompress so I have some time at the end of the week before I become social again for the night.

This is usually the period of time where I'm around other men who might consider approaching me and during those times I'd be considered as "too chill" "standoffish" or timid or quiet. But actually I have a decent amount to bring to the table.

My education has taken me to alot of cool places and cities, where I explore different scenes not just the professional one, and I have lots of cool stories, and I'm always along for a spontaneous ride and I can lead the way as well.

But I also support myself, put effort into my mind and my career and my body and that takes consistent dedication that other men might write off as "too rigid"

I think there's alot of black and white characterizations by men on this thread.

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