Men, If a woman was to ask you on a date, how would you prefer she do so?

Dude, ffs, are you for real?? What planet you on? Do you just want her to walk up to you naked and say "wanna fuck?!" ... !?

I'm a guy, and where you quickly go with your suggestions to women are ridiculous. You're making us sound like insensitive idiots, like, after the first couple sentences of your suggestions you go totally off the rails.

YOU also need to be turned on, tuned it, and paying fucking attention to the woman. If you're not, and she has to go to the lengths of asking you for your number, asking you out on a date, and/ or making physical contact with your erogenous zones in public (!?) ... then the problem is that YOU are just not that into her. If you were, you would've picked up the signals way earlier because you were paying attention, because you liked her.

You're just giving us guys a bad name with this post. And the guys digging it?! Guys, tune in more, or just go home early and masturbate... or something... but don't think women need to do this to attract you, they'll leave and find someone into them and you won't even have noticed they were interested in the first place cos you weren't present enough to see it...

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