Mercy/Moira VOD 1955 SR

I saw that part on the stars and thought to myself, what the fuck was I thinking? I think because when I saw someone (doom) was on critical and used Fade to get there faster to put out some heals but he was already dead and Rein was barely taking any damage so I have no excuse for that. I did use Fade a lot because there were a lot of points where I trying my best to stay alive. I can also give you some context on Part B. I was pretty indecisive (3:08) on part B where everyone was dying, I didn't know what to do at first but when I finally decided on pulling back, that is where I got headshotted by their McCree, so I ended up getting no value of it and just feed him his ult. My resource management was pretty bad so thank you for your honest opinion. Even at the time, I wondered how we managed to win that round.

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