Meta Monday is early this week for a few good reasons

I am not saying that everyone who posts here thinks that junk food is great and eats it all the time.

What I am saying is that is definitely the dominant mode of talking about food here, and the one favoured by the mods, and those who take a different view are mocked and/or castigated or accused of 'fatlogic' or 'moralizing' for putting a different perspective.

Personally I don't think there's a contradiction between accepting the fundamental truth of CICO, and also trying to eat better, healthier foods - and yes, some foods are intrinsically better than others - not 'morally', but nutritionally.

There's a bigger question at stake, I think, which is that eating crap (and I don't mean things like good-quality chocolate or homemade cake or roast potatoes or decent booze, but things that are pure crap, made of e.g. loads of sugar, corn syrup, white flour, cheese, huge amounts of salt, synthetic flavours and colours, etc.) is still used as a 'treat' or comfort object when really people are still damaging themselves with it - just not to the same extent that they did when they were obese.

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