META Obese and Super-Morbidly Obese Redditors, What Do You Eat Daily? (Re-posted for Meta Monday)

*item 1 26 *item 2 Female *item 3 5'3 - LW 169 / CW 180~(?) / HW 250+ *item 4 Canada *item 5 Since childhood... I was an adorable 4 year old and an obese monster from 5 years on * item 6 Bulimia *item 7 Recovering bulimic!!! I had an emotionally and physically abusive childhood... I ate my feelings to push down my anxiety, it was that or kill myself. Currently, I have that Robin Williams sadness... happy and bubbly on the outside but damaged on the inside. Clinical depression which affects the women in my family, and alcoholism which I have avoided. *item 8 I HATED my fat body, and knew at heart I was not a fat girl. I resented everyone around me that told me to love my body. I had a hard time making friends because I knew I was not the person I was inside, and if I met another fat girl I projected my insecurities *item 9 Abusive childhood. I am a very easygoing person and was a target for my entire family's rage and frustration, we were very dysfunctional. I was not encouraged to be physical, and was very heavy from a very young age. I have always obsessed about food, from the age of 5 I would raid the cupboards for anything I could eat. I used to eat spoonfuls of peanut butter dipped in plain sugar, in therapy I connected the fact it reminded me of Christmas baking (PB balls) and wanted to recreate that happy feeling as I was being emotionally abused. Binge eating turned into bulimia, 17 to 26, that I'm just trying to recover from now. *item 10 As I recover, I guess my biggest tip is listening to your body. If you eat something and you're still craving something, maybe you're trying to feed an emotion instead of giving your body nutrition. That's how I used to push past my body's pain threshold to eat 8000+ calories in a binge session :(

/r/fatpeoplestories Thread