This might be pretty extreme

Yes. Regardless of the extremeness of their views and differences in opinion, all muslims are human, and it is very immoral to wish for the extermination of one group of human beings. And this maybe said a lot but do keep in mind that not all muslims are the abusive, bigoted and ignorant lot that we are mostly used to. Some muslims are capable of understanding and being open, as I have often met muslims like that and was even able to open up to them about my beliefs. And lastly, if you truly believe that it isn't that bad for the Muslims to be eradicated by a second Holocaust, then we are stooping on the same level as some of the more extreme muslims, or perhaps even worse. Muslims believe that all none muslims will one day burn eternally in a pit of fire several times hotter than the sun, and they don't see how fucked up and wrong this sounds. If you let your hatred of Muslims getting the best of you, you'll see yourself becoming something similar to one of them. Try not to let that happen.

/r/exmuslim Thread