Migraine Buddy Help!!!

I'm not sure if this helps or not but, I've had chronic headaches, I call them suicide headaches because I've attempted it multiple times from my headaches anyways I found a great solution for my headaches I barely get headaches anymore maybe once or twice a month, I take kratom everyday I take about 3grams per day and it keeps me headache free 90% of the time every now and then I have a headache but it's not very bad you can take it multiple ways

Now I'm not recommending you take it but if you are interested you can check out r/kratom and get some more info on it then, but this is what I do, since some people get on my case about recommending kratom you can do what you want but this is just my method and it's saved my life, if you look into it don't google it check out real facts on the reddit or American kratom association, kratom users pay scientists to make unbiased reports on their tests

Best of luck with your headaches I know how bad it can get

/r/migraine Thread