Mixed feelings about a friend I slept with [19/m]

Edit: sh>Apologies if this isn't the best explained, it's hard to get it down in words.

(Summary at the bottom)

First of I broke up with the first love of my life after being with her for 2 and a bit years, it wasn't a clean break and I have still been speaking to her.

Yet A few weeks ago I slept with another girl, which was the first time I had done anything with another person since I broke up with my ex 8 months ago, I've known said girl for nearly 10 years, (far more than I have known ex) we have always shared a bond that no one else has in our friendship group, although she is my friend I had still dreamt and thought about taking the next step with her, yet I was always content with the current status of our friendship.

What happened- we had been seeing each other alot more frequently and also separate from the our usual friendship group, we had slept together, yet not done anything sexual or physical, on this one night, the friendship group was out down one of the local bars, we were celebrating the return of ine of our friends whom had been travelling for 6 months. As the night went on my friends decided to drive to the next town to go to another bar, I stayed with the girl and a few of her friends for the rest of the night. When it was time to go home, the girl offered me a place on her sofa for the night as I had a long walk home, I accepted and so we walked back to her place.

When we got in, we decided to open a bottle of wine and have a heart to heart discussion about life and problems with the world, time flew by and we spoke and laughed for hours.

After the wine ran dry we decided to retire, I was just about to go into her living room to take up my postion on the sofa when she told me that the sofa wasn't very comfortable and I should come sleep with her, I didn't refuse so I followed her up to her room and we both climbed into bed in our underwear, we listened to music and spoke and eventually she curled up into me, she had cold hands and feet so I said she could warm them up on me, so she moved on closer until our lips were just millimetres apart, I could feel her heart beating fast.

I decided to go for it and kissed her, imediatly after I made contact she wrapped herself around me and kissed me, I'd never been kissed to passionately before, and I felt alive for the first time since my last relationship.

We had sex and our bodies didn't separate for an hour of one the most passionate experiences I'd ever had, we then fell asleep with her lying on my chest.

This next bit is where the problem lies, we woke up side by side, we layed in bed for mist of the morning just watching Netflix and laughing like always did when we were friends we never really spoke about what happened that night, yet ever since we had sex I haven't stopped thinking about her and the next step and also I've been having thoughts about my ex.

Summary- Broke up with long term gf still have some feelings for her.

My best friend who I have know for half my life passionately made out with me and had sex with, who I also had underlying feelings for yet suppressed as we are best friends, yet now i am starting to have strong feelings for.

also we still haven't spoken about what happened.

And now I am completely mind fucked on what to do...advise anyone?

e is [19/f] >Apologies if this isn't the best explained, it's hard to get it down in words.

(Summary at the bottom)

First of I broke up with the first love of my life after being with her for 2 and a bit years, it wasn't a clean break and I have still been speaking to her.

Yet A few weeks ago I slept with another girl, which was the first time I had done anything with another person since I broke up with my ex 8 months ago, I've known said girl for nearly 10 years, (far more than I have known ex) we have always shared a bond that no one else has in our friendship group, although she is my friend I had still dreamt and thought about taking the next step with her, yet I was always content with the current status of our friendship.

What happened- we had been seeing each other alot more frequently and also separate from the our usual friendship group, we had slept together, yet not done anything sexual or physical, on this one night, the friendship group was out down one of the local bars, we were celebrating the return of ine of our friends whom had been travelling for 6 months. As the night went on my friends decided to drive to the next town to go to another bar, I stayed with the girl and a few of her friends for the rest of the night. When it was time to go home, the girl offered me a place on her sofa for the night as I had a long walk home, I accepted and so we walked back to her place.

When we got in, we decided to open a bottle of wine and have a heart to heart discussion about life and problems with the world, time flew by and we spoke and laughed for hours.

After the wine ran dry we decided to retire, I was just about to go into her living room to take up my postion on the sofa when she told me that the sofa wasn't very comfortable and I should come sleep with her, I didn't refuse so I followed her up to her room and we both climbed into bed in our underwear, we listened to music and spoke and eventually she curled up into me, she had cold hands and feet so I said she could warm them up on me, so she moved on closer until our lips were just millimetres apart, I could feel her heart beating fast.

I decided to go for it and kissed her, imediatly after I made contact she wrapped herself around me and kissed me, I'd never been kissed to passionately before, and I felt alive for the first time since my last relationship.

We had sex and our bodies didn't separate for an hour of one the most passionate experiences I'd ever had, we then fell asleep with her lying on my chest.

This next bit is where the problem lies, we woke up side by side, we layed in bed for mist of the morning just watching Netflix and laughing like always did when we were friends we never really spoke about what happened that night, yet ever since we had sex I haven't stopped thinking about her and the next step and also I've been having thoughts about my ex.

Summary- Broke up with long term gf still have some feelings for her.

My best friend who I have know for half my life passionately made out with me and had sex with, who I also had underlying feelings for yet suppressed as we are best friends, yet now i am starting to have strong feelings for.

also we still haven't spoken about what happened.

And now I am completely mind fucked on what to do...advise anyone?

/r/relationship_advice Thread