"Mo money, mo problems" is true sometimes.

I know some people are scared and confused, so I'll break it down.

Who are the enlisted men and women that fill the ranks who end up needing to use the VA in the first place? You got it! The poor! The officers are part of an entirely different economic class than the enlisted men. The VA is like AIDS; it'll never be fixed because it overwhelmingly only affects the poor (Magic Johnson, just like the officers, has money so he can afford treatment).

The rich use up and spit out the poor to fight for and secure resources (mostly oil) in foreign lands. The men and women are told to fight people whom they have more in common with than the rich and powerful people who sent them there. They've brainwashed the poor into thinking they're fighting for "liberty, freedom, and democracy". It's all a definitive and verifiable lie. They're stormtroopers who are sacking the lands for the benefit of the evil empire elite. The last war the US has fought in where it was on the winning team was WWII, and it was for a good cause too. Every other military fiasco the US has put it's greedy little hands into over the last 70 years has ended in quagmire and failure.

70 years of failed military operations of killing brown people, whom never wanted to be rescued in the first place, and a bloated military VS universal healthcare? The answer is clear to anyone with a heart and a brain. Jesus never said, "Kill all the infidels and make sure the poor don't have access to adequate healthcare!" Christian nation? Bah! Hypocrites!

It seems some Americans would rather spread unnecessary pain and suffering throughout the world than ensure the people in their own country can live decent lives. These people would rather succumb to the fear narrative that's been forced down theirs throats all their lives. Some people would rather watch their own countrymen die (military deaths and lack of healthcare) at the whims of the powerful and stand by doing nothing whilst simultaneously celebrating their deaths in the name of "free market" capitalism. I personally despise false patriotism and cowardice.

There's an apt term for people who espouse the values of the more powerful while they themselves are essentially powerless: --->House Negro<---

Some Americans rationalize the ideology that some Americans are more deserving of better treatment than others because they aren't 'real' Americans. "Any person that believes in such and such and so and so should be deported. We should bomb them and convert them to Christianity." etc. This presupposed superiority brings us right back to the toxic ideology of our unchecked Confederate heritage.

It makes me sad to know that America cannot and will not unite to save American, except in times of natural disaster. The economic elite have created and normalized economic disaster and have successfully shifted the blame onto the poorest and most vulnerable.

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