Monday Night Thread 23/4

I've had it twice on two different [deleted] accounts. One was just someone did it for no reason. The other one has at least a bit of a story.

This girl was copping a hammering in some thread about 3 years ago, a whole bunch of bullshit like 'women don't know what it's like to be alone' 'you don't know you can get dick easily' 'you're all the same you want big dick and big money' blah blah blah a whole bunch of woe is me, loser shit that a whole bunch of losers were circlejerking each other to.

I don't even remember what I said exactly but I just reminded this guy (but aimed it at all of them) how stupid they sound and it got downvoted heavily and a whole bunch of lames blew up my inbox, it wasn't even abuse on my part it was pretty calm and just highlighting how ridiculous that mentality is, but the girl gave me gold for some reason and sent a PM thanking me, I'm not really sure why because I had no intention of being a 'defender' it was just stupid shit that was honestly annoying to read. It must have been -20 votes and I got gold for it haha

Anyhow, she wanted to make it up to me so she added me on snapchat and sent me nudes every single day for what must have seriously been 2 months and it only stopped because I deleted snapchat at that time. She lived in California somewhere so i would wake up to a whole bunch of nude snaps it was pretty fun lol

/r/sydney Thread Parent