Mordekaiser 5.4 changes

Hmm... Morde is my favourite champ, not sure how I feel about this.

High level, our first change is that now Mordekaiser's shield gain is base on his maximum health instead of damage he deals.

I do kind of like this... You essentially had to "pre charge" your shield by using E on a group of minions before thinking about fighting otherwise you were very squishy and usually dead by the time you can build it up via abilities, especially when it comes to being CC'd or kited which isn't hard to do vs Morde.

Secondly, Mordekaiser's burst damage will goes down a bit but, over time, his damage output will be the same or slightly increased. So he will not burst you down but still remain threatening over time.

Rito pls... The only time his burst is out of whack is slightly before and during mid-game when your excellent snowball potential is utilized and you're WAY ahead of everybody else (which isn't hard because you have excellent 1v1 and 1v2 potential and ridiculous farming capabilities... Dat XP) but once everybody starts to catch up, you'll find all of the other champions in your game based off of AP, chunk people like you but they come complete with twice as much range, slows etc. Even then, if any champ gets fed at a similar stage, they too become monsters who run around dropping everybody, Morde isn't unique in this sense and I've also found that when you're ahead like this, all they have to do is simply avoid trying to fight you for a while because what can you do? Simply run towards them where as other fed champs have gap closers, stuns, slows to make the most of their fed-state.

Third, Mordekaiser's shield now works the same as Nunu's bloodboil (cast on an ally, Mordekaiser also gets the shield) and if they run toward each other, they'll gain a mini speed boost. Think magnets.

It's nice that you both get the shield but the coming together speed boost idea is just meh... Guess they really want to make him an annoying team-fight orientated tank where as I was hoping for something that would help his dire prospects when being kited 1v1 or in small scale fights... A very situational "mini speed" boost isn't going to help this at a;ll...

Why not just make his shield castable on enemies where it can affect their movement speed -- whether it still deals damage or how much can be tuned -- and either slow them, transfer movement speed to Morde etc... The slow could also be based off of the shield amount or even drain the shield so it has some sort of trade off. Come on rito :-(

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