More than 25,000 Mexican workers at dozens of factories south of Brownsville, Texas, went on strike Friday after owners of the plants that assemble for export refused union demands for a 20 percent pay hike and an annual bonus

Notice how the CEO to entry level wage gap keeps growing and unions represent less than 10% of the workforce. Had the major unions not be corrupted partisan pushovers, NAFTA would have never passed nor signed by Rapist Bill & unions would represent maybe a little more than 15% of present day's workforce. Partisan warmongers don't care if you live or die, unless they have dirt to blackmail your favorite congressperson with. We know why the southern border is compromised, just as well as why no banker has ever done time for the toxic mortgage backed securities bubble that burst in 2008, and just as well as why Narcan is free for addicts, and the cost of insulin has outpaced inflation rates.

Frankly I'm really not surprised that Killary won the popular vote, but her comments about super-predators being brought to heel, blaming Julian Assange & Russia for her losing all but 60-ish county/provinces truly reflects how fascist against the Constitutional Republic she remains to be today. I'm thankful to work in country that even modern day Nazis fear our Unity, oh & the 40 hour work week..when it's slow, and the fact that someone who never held a political office can become POTUS. It sends a nice message across the bow to the partisan dullards.

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