Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

Hello /r/Fitness. First time caller, long time listener. I've recently gotten back into the gym following a motorcycle accident which left my right shoulder & pelvis damaged. I've been given the all clear from physio & making some progress. The shoulder injury (dislocation & torsion fracture) has left me with a lot less upper-body muscle than previously, mostly in my back & chest. I'm making sure to do some low weight cable/resistance band exercises to hit the small muscles as well as the heavier compound lifts which seems to be working and I'm starting to make some slow but sure gains. My legs have pretty much stayed the same aesthetically, although I have not been able to properly squat/deadlift (or even kettlebell swing) as the swelling around my pelvis led to a locked up piriformis, which has in turn tightened my hamstrings right up. I am currently stretching regularly and receiving manipulation from my physio ~twice a month for this. To make up for not being able to lift, my "leg day" has been reduced to doing hack squats with the fixed-weight barbells, goblet squats & similar, although these do seem to agitate the backs of my legs no matter how well I stretch after. I have found that bodyweight & plyo-type exercise (burpees, squat jumps etc) is working better in making my legs feel stronger. Seeing as my legs are way ahead of my upper body at the moment, I'm hoping to get to a stage where my full body gets its equilibrium back. My goal is to get more-or-less where I was before the crash, not crazy big muscles but big enough to look good and function as they should. In doing this split between upper & lower, am I going to cause myself problems in the long run? Would it be more beneficial to stay out of the gym for now, at least until the rest of my problems are sorted out? Thanks. tldr - hamstrings & piriformis injured, hard to do compound leg lifts. In the long run, will lifting weights for upper body & bodyweight/plyometric exercise for legs cause me problems?

/r/Fitness Thread