Most convincing pro-life argument I've seen

My brother's grandfather told me a story that made me so mad so angry that I could kill someone. His adopted daughter was a complete slut and general degenerate. She once left with her 5 year old son to go fuck a guy in a hotel room. Kid just got out of school and bow she was dragging him to hell knows where. It was snowing. She made him wait outside. He got very cold. He knocked on the door but no one answered. He had just learned his phone number (no one was home). He also remembered his friend going over his phone number over and over. He took the led over money from his lunch and called his friend's house. The mom picked up and he told her that he was at a motel cold and alone. He described the motel and gave her the name. It was 3 hrs away. She drove up there and picked him up. Dropped him off at grandpa's house.

Three days later when daughter shows up grandpa gets in a huge argument with her. She wasn't even concerned that he had been missing. She takes off with the child. Later grandpa hears that she put the child up for adoption. He adopts the kid. 6 months later she goes and gets custody back through the courts. Treated him like shit until he was an adult.

Today the child is constantly in and out of jail for petty crimes. He has terrible memory (I don't blame him.) He never had a chance. She is a public school bus driver. Some how she never got in trouble with the law. Grandpa adopted the next child which was a daughter, my brother's wife. She is the only kinda normal person in the family.

I look at the tragedy that is the life of that kid and the next son that was born and I think it would have been better if she had aborted both.

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