Most embarrassing thing you've done on drugs

When I was 15 I got some 25i took 2 tabs unknown dose and tripped balls. Decided for some reason I wanted mickey d's even though I had no appetite. So this shits coming in waves super wacked out then able to be normal lol. So I think I'm good to go to eat go with 2 friends who thankfully were not tripping. I go to the register stare to 5 minutes at her face like omfg this bitches face is morphing I couldn't focus on ordering. I order 2 meals why idk. I panicked. I then awkwardly sat in the corner by myself while waiting just think wtf is happening rn. Is this real? It was my 3rd time tripping thought it was lsd it was not. So I see food go on the counter I'm like yeeee foods up I just wanna go back to the spot we were chillen with my friends who were tripping. But I grabbed some wrong tray the dude was pissed af I was sooo confused I was like dude this is my fucking food I just bought this shit. And then my sober friends are like excuse my friend and got me my actual food. I then get tf out of the front and sit in a corner awkwardly by myself again just panicking on the inside thinking everyone is staring at me and shit. My friends find me and are like yo you good. I'm like dude I don't like this place mcdonalds is evil. HAHAHAH they laugh I then try to eat. I take a bite of my burger I'm like yoooooo wtf is this cardboard. They burst out laughing. I'm super confused lol btw these friends of mine don't trip so they don't know how I'm feeling. I'm jut like fuck this cardboard shit have it. Go to the bathroom and stare at myself for like 5 minutes trying to remind myself I'm on drugs and nobody knows. Finally we leave lol just an awkward experience and very embarrasing at the time

/r/Drugs Thread