The most scathing question asked in all of E3 2015.

The only thing that will stop this is if people stop buying them,

Stop buying video games..? To help the industry? Makes total sense.

don't pre-order,

Preorders have no negative effects on game development. Please explain what you think is wrong with pre-orders. Money you put down for a game never reaches the devs during development. They can obtain additional funds from their investors/ publishers from pre-order numbers, but that's it.

don't buy into microtransactions,

Microtransactions when utilized properly are one of the only ways to make back the exponentially rising costs of making a game. There are very few actual pay to win systems on the mainstream market currently, so what is the problem with these exactly?

look up reviews before spending a dime.

Are you just getting your opinions from others before buying games? It's not like you can just get a refund. I get this if you want to see what type of game it is, but really reviews are just other people's personal experiences with the game, not some bastion of truth.

This is all really our own fault

For some gamers, sure. Instead of understanding that games are becoming increasingly more expensive and complex to make, and that systems have to be put in place to stabilize costs, most gamers just circlejerk about how bad these systems are instead of really understanding how the industry works.

Very rarely do games release in completely broken states. Even more rare is if a dev does nothing to fix it shortly thereafter. Sure some games might have some minor glitches too, but given how complex game development is now, it's understandable. And even those minor glitches get fixed too! Gamers today are too entitled, they don't have any empathy or understanding for the medium they claim to love.

Saying stupid passive aggressive shit like "When will games stop releasing in a semi broken state?" Is not only a gross oversimplification of games being released, (because most aren't) it also shows a severe lack of understanding of game development works.

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