Mothers of Askwomen, what did you imagine your kids would look like? Were you surprised?

Oh my gosh I was so wrong.

So my husband is very attractive. And his features would work very well on a girl too (plump lips, long eyelashes, great skin, green eyes, straight nose). The women in my family tend to be very pretty. So we figured that if we had a girl, she would be gorgeous. We imagined very dark hair, fair, clear skin, maybe some light freckles over the bridge of her straight nose, long eyelashes, full lips. I pictured this beautiful little girl with dark fingercurl pigtails and dirty knees in a green soccer uniform. I have been able to see "my daughter's" face since years before we even decided we wanted a kid.

We figured if we had a boy he'd be ugly. My features are good for a woman, but not a man. We did not see our looks mixing well for a boy.

And then we found out we were having a boy. Whatever, I thought, he'll be beautiful to me no matter what. But I kind of figured he could be objectively not cute.

Holy fuck, I don't know how we did it, but we made the most amazingly, outrageously beautiful boy. Well I do know how--he looks just like his father but with my big blue eyes. Only his are bigger and bluer. He's got his dad's perfect skin, full pink lips, perfect eyebrows, little nose, and long eyelashes. Looking at my own toddler pictures, he's does look like me more than he used to, but it's sooo working for him. I'm still amazed at how he has turned out so far. I never pictured such a beautiful kid. It's just great that he seems to have gotten his physical traits mostly from his dad.

I will say that I had a dream when I was pregnant about my son. In the dream he was a very beautiful baby, but my son did not come out looking like the dream baby. He's even more lovely.

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