In the movie "Inside Out," the main character has "core memories" that define her life and personality based off of important events that happened in her early life. What would be one of your "core memory" moments?

When I was little my parents would fight a lot. After the fight "ended" one of them would leave for a few days, but they would always bring either my sister or me as leverage. This time my mom left, and this time she brought me (i was 9-10 and my sister was 14-15). My sister was usually her favorite to bring and I was my dad's favorite to bring. The fight was about my sister so thats why she brought me instead. I loved going with my mom because she always splurged on toys and expensive trips whenever she left after an argument, and this time was no different. We ended up staying at this really nice hotel for a few days. After a few days my mom was on the phone with my dad and she said something about it being the last time. She got off the phone and packed all our bags (it had all the jewelry and expensive stuff aka insurance in case she needed to dip), she then told me to go home but I said no because I was worried that she would have no money. Eventually she got so fustrated she yelled at me, and got really serious. She told me she was going to kill herself, and then sent me, alone, in a taxi to go home. I didn't cry at all until I got home and saw my dad and sister. I couldn't speak, I genuinely thought she was dead. Eventually she came back and everything went back to normal. My parent's relationship was toxic and my mom is a super manipulative person. I'm glad they divorced, the feeling of freedom is weird and numbing. Sorry if the details are iffy I kinda pushed this to the back of my mind until a few years ago, had a well delayed breakdown and realization of how fucked it was.

/r/AskReddit Thread