As much as it sucks, what have you grown to accept?

Have you ever seen a campaign run like Sanders'?

Yes. He's like a cross between Ron Paul and a less competent Obama.

He thrives when his message reaches people who would otherwise not vote, or get thier information from biased mainstream media outlets.

Except that those people still aren't voting... Obama saw a wave of support amongst atypical voters. Sanders is trying the same thing, he's just not good at it.

Winning is very possible for him, and as the gap closes,

The gap isn't going to close. Sanders isn't even holding even right now and he's looking at a fairly solid defeat in any state significant enough to offset his losses. Unless he's 20 points higher in reality than he is in the polls, he's already lost.

I believe a lot of those super delegates people are so quick to award Clinton with already, ridiculously enough,

This race won't come down to Super Delegate. Hillary is going to sweep the floor with the pledge delegates.

will turn from a pro-Hilary vote to an Anti-Trunp vote when they realize she has no chance of beating him.

Aside from the irony of saying this and following it up with:

To call any race, especially this race, as over this early on is foolish

If you actually think Trump has a chance against Hillary, you're CRAZY. Even his own party hates him, his taking of the GOP nomination is far from certain (Unless he wins 50% of the delegates on the first vote, they're going to abandon him in droves once they are no longer legally obligated to support him) and even if he takes it, he's never going to beat Hillary. He's struggling to pull ahead of the likes of Rubio and Cruz. The only reason he's even competitive is because those two have been splitting the establishment vote. And they're political lightweights with no experience. Hillary is no lightweight. It's like watching someone win in a junior tee ball league, they saying they're good enough to beat the New York Yankees.

As for this:

To call any race, especially this race, as over this early on is foolish.

Barring an act of God, the race IS over. Unless Hillary gets hit by lightning or sucked into a black hole, Bernie will not be the nominee. His supporters aren't voting, he is loathed by moderates, has no minority support and needs to be pulling double digit victories and instead is getting wiped out. Delegates are proportional... he is not bridging the current gap, not with his current poll numbers.

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