Murder attempt survivors, what happened?

I was forced into a car by a coworker. He was screaming at me in the street, driving slowly in traffic next to me (I was walking on the sidewalk). He screamed and cursed at me to get in the car and I kept telling him to fuck off and leave me be. He pealed In front of me and got out and demanded I got into his car. I was emotionally compromised and he got ahold of me and got me into the car. A passer by called the cops believing fully that they had just witnessed a kidnapping.

We got maybe 2 minutes down the road, and he stopped at a gas station very close to his house. He got out. He had just left the car, and I was whipping the tears out of my eyes when there was a stern knock at my window. It was 2 cops.

I rolled the window down. I was a fucking mess. My makeup was running, my skin was red, and I was clearly just emotionally distressed.

They told me that they had gotten a call that I had been kidnapped and that a witness had given them the license plate. They asked me;

“Who are you with?” my coworker “Where do you work?” (our mutual job) “Where did he go? in the gas station to get beer

Then he comes out of the station, and sees the cops. He strolls up to the car not a care in the world. The cops addressed him and asked him the same questions.

“Who is she to you?” my coworker “Where do you work” (out mutual job) “Why did you stop here” *(he holds up the beer and smiles)

I just remember feeling sunken. They asked him if he had forced me into the car and he light heartedly said no sir.

He ended up stalking me and getting caught in the act more than once in my backyard at night. But I mean it’s just crazy to me how charming and charismatic and disarming he was the cops had no idea.

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