Murder of transgender teen who was stabbed in genitals 'not a hate crime', police say

So here's my thing on this, that a lot of people seem to ignore in their outrage. I don't think one type of murder or a reason behind it makes some worse than others. At the end of the day, someone died. The biggest difference between a murder that is a hate crime and another murder is how likely the person would be to murder someone again. Yes, murder is bad, but if statistics are to be believe someone who murders is extremely unlikely to murder again. They should server their punishment, whatever it may be. When the punishment ends they should go free and hopefully never murder again.

For a hate crime, it's different. The victim didn't wrong their assailant in any way, they simply existed and thus caused so much anger and hatred in someone that they chose to kill them. Someone like that should never go free again, because they are a danger to innocent people forever. So while the murder in and of itself is not different, I think the chances of a repeat murder are much higher and the person should be treated accordingly.

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