Why must feminists also support every other minority cause?

I mostly agree, but I kind of struggle with what you said in the end because because, yes, it's unfair for people ask for support, but that doesn't mean its necessarily wrong. Here's what I'm thinking. To keep with the current example, many of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement were pretty sexist towards women. Despite this, many women were encouraged to participate in the movement. and it probably wouldn't have been nearly as successful as it was without their involvement. And the vast majority of black women greatly benefited from victories won in the Civil Rights movement. So if you're looking at fairness, then many of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement should not have asked women to participate. But if you're looking at results, obviously it was the right thing to do.

So what I'm saying is that I do think American feminism is dominated by white women, I do think white women like myself need to work harder to be more intersectional and include minority women*. But at the end of the day, a movement dominated by white women - as mainstream American feminism will certainly be for the foresseable future - is still going to have racism. Maybe, under those circumstances, it is unfair and unjust for any white woman to ask any woman of color to support feminism. But feminism still has a lot to offer all women, and it's not like not participating in feminism is going to help minority women keep their abortion rights or get paid more.

Idk, this is something I'm still trying to parse out.

*And obvs we should all work harder to include women oppressed in ways that we are not, but I'm speaking in generalizations now :P

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