My [17M] mom was babysitting my nephew [2M] and he fell down the stairs. My sister [27F] won't talk to anyone in the family other than her husband [28M]

If you never draw the line between accidental and intentional, then it doesn't matter. Intent would matter to me. It might not make a difference in whether or not I left my child with her again, but it would make a difference in if I ever had a relationship with my mother again. My children have accidentally gotten hurt before, not so drastic, but maybe I was just lucky. The one second I looked away...

We don't know the whole story is what we need to remember. More than likely, it was negligent behavior. Well, probably negligent under any circumstance, but it might be less criminal in others. Maybe this was the one time she left the 2yo asleep on the bed instead of the pack and play while she took a 5 minute shower. Maybe she double checked the lock, but something happened to it. Maybe she told the 17yo to watch out for him, but he left the room for a minute. Maybe the 2yo was in the bathroom with her and opened the door for the very first time. All within the realm of prevention, but less criminal than thinking she was letting a 2yo roam the house while she took a shower. We just don't know either way with the amount of information provided to us.

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