My (18M) girlfriend (17F) refuses to have sex because of anxiety and fear of losing me

she isn't just a teenager, she's very different compared to other girls and I don't want to waste my time in the future looking for a "replacement"...

I wish I could view this relationship as you do, but I can't look at her and see her as a walking vagina and a brain that is incompatible with me and needs to be removed and replaced with something else, so leaving her is not an option for me

I like her because she's intelligent, sensitive, caring, romantic (even though we haven't reached the point where we're having sex yet) and not at all superficial and I consider her qualities to be extremely rare in a world where most girls of her age are getting drunk or consume drugs and kiss/fuck total strangers in clubs. One time she talked with me on the phone for 12 hours and sang to me before I went to bed, and one time she forgave me after I got angry and simply walked away from her while we were on a date. I know I may seem pathetic for thinking I'm more mature than other people of my age but I consider myself to be more mature since I had some life experienced that made me mature a lot faster than other people. I had doctors tell me I could have a disorder that will kill me when I'm 20 and spent an entire year doing tests to see if that's true... I experienced with weak and hard drugs, I almost went to the hospital after I got too drunk and I started to hate human degeneracy and superficiality and saw that I don't need any of that in my life. She's childish, optimistic, cheerful even though she suffers from anxiety and depression and had a troubled childhood. I find that her innocence and other qualities that she possesses are what I need in my life. I don't just want a satisfying sack of meat that I found after dating 30 other slightly inferior girls.

I just wanted to know if her attitude will lead to problems in our relationship and if what I felt was normal. I don't want to leave her just because I need 10 minutes of pleasure.

Thanks for your help.

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