Redditors who have quit weed, how has it improved your life?

I was smooking weed for about 5 years every day. I got addicted during college. In the beginning, I felt that the smoke made me better, more concentrated, more creative, more relaxed which i felt I wasn't good at. I really loved all the unusual associations weed got out of me. After a year or so, I started to feel the anxiety more and more, the fear of going without weed. I was smoking every single day, many times from waking up to going bed. I started to not doing things and chores and tasks not properly, only adequetly at best. I also lost many friends, whom I wouldn't meet or talk when I was high. Despite these, I could function well in my life. I dropped out of college (not because of weed, but because I lost interest in school and wanted to start to work). I actually got a shitty job at first, where I was performing really well. The first issue came around this time, because it was a truly shitty job, I really should have quit earlier. But I smoked every single day, and i was too lazy, unmotivated and basically CONTENT with my life because of being high all the time. All the things I needed were money to stay high, keep me (not too well) fed and pay the bills and that job got that covered. Things led me to getting a new job, where I still performed pretty well, but still being high all the time. Every single day I felt that I am not doing anything in my life, that I won't progress anywhere, and basically this is all I could achieve. Then I got fed up. I went on a trip to Greece, stayed there for two weeks, with the intent of not smoking at all. During that 2 weeks, I started to feel better and better, getting clearer thougths, I actually enjoyed my functional short term memory and felt the motivation to change things, and I knew what I had to do to escape from depression. So motivated by this, me and my good old friend of mine, who I smoked with before all the time, started our new life. We were talking about the negative, procrastinating effects of weed all the time, supported, helped each other, and dropped it almost 100%. Ever since dropping, my life has changed a lot. My head is much clearer, I am rapidly moving upwards in the company I work for (second promotoin in a few months), and generally feel more motivated, social. I don't feel the anxiety of not doing anything with my life. All because I started to feel the motivation to do something, to change things I don't like about my life. I don't accept the things I hate about my life anymore, I have the energy to change them. This is the thing i find the most dangerous in smoking: being content with the bowl of shit you are sitting in. And man am I glad I quit.

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