My(20f) boyfriend(20) says i’m overreacting to his “joke”

He actually doesn’t normally comment on the cleanliness of my house. That’s why it kinda took me aback. But I will say I am guilty of keeping track at times. Not specific incidents, but I keep tabs on how often he cleans because earlier in our cohabitation he would go months without contributing a single thing, like even simple things like taking the trash out. Now it’s only weeks at times, but to me that’s still too long. To try to pay attention to that doesn’t feel like the malicious kind of keeping score you’re referring to. That seems like something I should be mindful of, how much weight is being pulled around the house. We don’t throw things like that in each other’s faces really either, if we fight it typically starts off as a passive aggressive comments and goes from there. The face throwing does happen, but usually after it’s long escalated

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