My (21f) boyfriend (22m) watches so much porn I’m beginning to resent him.

I appreciate your insight. This definitely helped me understand the other side better. Although it may seem obvious I didn’t really see porn as such only because that’s not how I use it.

We spend a lot of time together and literally have the BEST relationship outside of this one thing. Idk if you saw above but we have lived together for the last three years. He is now moving 3 hours away without me for a year. I’m thinking it may be a response to the move or the stress of starting a new career. I’m sure I also contribute to that stress a bit since his career is very risky and is something I will always worry about. We have always been in school together so staring a new career and being on soon to be opposite schedules is new to us. Idk just a thought.

Thanks again

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