My [22 F] BF [25 M] thinks I'm privileged to have an opinion

I'll give a recent example. We see each other on weekends since I'm in Uni but I was leaving to go interstate to visit family so wouldn't see him for a little bit. I asked him if I was to come over early Id like to watch a movie together rather than him watching his show ( I hate it, its finance related talk show) because its my last day and Id rather clean up my room instead and we can see each other the next day instead if he wants to watch the show. He promises we will watch a movie together but when I get there he watches his stupid show. He tries to cuddle with me while watching it but I'm still upset about it. and when the show finishes I tell him he promised that we would watch a movie together yet he watched his show till 10.30 and then hes trying to sleep. He gets defensive - says he watches this show is on only once a week and that he needs to watch it for financial reasons and that I should be understanding since we saw each other recently anyway, plus he had offered to do me a big favor ( I wont go into it) the next day, so the least I could do was to not make a big deal out of something so little when he was doing me a big favour the next day. I don't see how the two were related since he offered to do the favour months in advance yet made the promise just days ago and I suspected he would be doing this yet he wasn't honest about it. I would of rather stayed and cleaned my room instead but he thinks if he agreed to that option I would still have been mad since it would of looked like he chose the show over me. I' was pissed because he could of recorded that show (he records other shows he misses) and watched it another time but nope he had to watch it that day and for me to express that I was upset by it was somehow uncalled for.

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